Orthodontic Software with Billing and Insurance

Billing Services and Features

The Payment Slider; the first step in initiating OrthoMinds billing services, and our incredible consult tool which helps to acquire starts and build relationships! When the patient begins a contract using our consult tool, billing & payments are automatically initiated by OrthoMinds. OM will continue to manage and report all transactions to the practice, with a clear and accurate reporting system.

What if someone falls behind on their payments?

OrthoMinds allows the practice to maintain happy rapport by doing the 'dirty work' of managing the tough and uncomfortable financial conversations. Before passing the collection torch to you, we spend 30 days giving the patient a little encouragement, and help them get back on track. Thus, the practice is able to focus on delivering great orthodontics, while OrthoMinds focuses on providing excellent billing, financial and reporting services!

We help eliminate small billing errors that can add up to big headaches and lost time,
allowing you the time to enjoy your hard-earned money!

Need to run a quick transaction?

Taking a credit card payment is quick, easy, and within full PCI compliance, using the OrthoMinds integrated credit card processing feature. Monitor all billing activity and collections using our clear and concise reporting system!